Jesus had 12; who will you do life with?
Jesus had 12;
who will you do life with?

Regular Hangouts
Women's Ministry
Our women have a Bible study every Tuesday at 11am OR Wednesday at 7pm!
They also have frequent outings and activities, so join their group below to stay up to date with our women!
They also have frequent outings and activities, so join their group below to stay up to date with our women!
Men's Ministry
Every Wednesday night at 7pm our men have a Bible study in the fellowship hall!
They also have a men's night from 6-8pm the second Tuesday of every month!
They also have a men's night from 6-8pm the second Tuesday of every month!
Remnant YA
Refined Marriage Ministry
Remnant Young Adults, led by Katie and Cory Bourg, meet every Thursday night at 7pm in the Bourg's home. They hangout, have food, and do an in-depth Bible study!
Thursdays at 7pm, Pat and Sonya Vega host our couples for a time of bonding, growing, and community. Join their group below as they form a place for couples to do life with other couples.